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Are you prepared for harvest season? Tips on how to keep harvest safe on the farm

NOVEMBER 06, 2019

By Aaron Mercadel III

Harvest is a busy time of year for farmers. Whether it be harvesting crops, driving equipment on roads or hauling grain, there is always movement happening. Nodak Insurance Company wants to take this opportunity to encourage farmers to be safe when in the field and on the road.

"Farm safety is a must for everyone," says Lisa Hauf, Director of Public Relations for the North Dakota Farm Bureau. "Agriculture is a dangerous occupation, with 25 percent of farm injuries coming from machinery." Farms and ranches are also the only worksite in the country where children of any age can be present, she says.

"Whether you work on a farm or you are visiting a farm, it is important to understand the basic safety precautions, this includes being around machinery and animals. We urge people to take farm safety seriously and take the time to learn more about ways to protect you and your family."

Rich Laber, Director of Property/Field Claims at Nodak Insurance, shares his own harvest safety tips:

  •  Caution when transporting equipment on roads or in the dark.
  •  Inspect machinery to ensure all lights are properly working
  •  Put (leave) guards on equipment.
  •  Turn off equipment when servicing or taking care of problems.
  •  Get plenty of rest and take breaks.
  •  Train and review safety procedures.
  •  Always be aware of location of other people, especially children.
  •  Look up, pay attention to what is above.
  •  Be careful when lifting heavy items, use proper lifting techniques.
  •  Clean equipment thoroughly and frequently. (Tractor and combine fires are more frequent losses during harvest.)
We wish all North Dakotans a safe and prosperous harvest season.



Nodak Insurance Company

1101 1st Ave N
Fargo, ND 58102
