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Security Policy
Nodak Insurance Company (NIC) is committed to providing the highest level of security and privacy regarding the collection and use of our My Account & Mobile App customers' personal information, as well as that of all visitors to our website.
We do not collect unique identifying information, such as social security number or account number, about you individually unless you voluntarily and knowingly provide us that information. You should never provide such information in an email or other transmission. The collection of personal information online is designed to protect access to your personal accounts and assist NIC in providing you with the products and services you want and need. All personal information collected and stored by NIC is used for specific business purposes-to protect and administer your personal accounts and transactions, and to comply with state and federal insurance regulations.
We may use internet cookies to help us authenticate your online session to My Account. A cookie is a unique identifying bit of data sent from our web server to your internet browser when you visit our site. The cookie is stored on your system but does nothing to your computer or hard drive and does not gather any personal information about you. Cookies help websites track user preferences and recognize return visitors.
Safeguarding your personal information is our highest priority. We use the latest encryption technology to secure your data along with firewalls, intrusion detection, virus protection and application security. We also use third party security companies to test our sites, mobile app and networks which reflects our commitment to maintaining the highest level of site and application security. Access to your My Account & Mobile App is secured by a unique user ID and password. You should never share these credentials and should notify us immediately if they have compromised. Your online session will also sign off automatically from inactivity to protect your data. For additional security, please remember to sign off after use and close your internet browser.
Please refer to our current Privacy Policy for more information on how we manage the personal information of our current and former customers.

Nodak Insurance Company

1101 1st Ave N
Fargo, ND 58102
